FORSVAR KUNSTNERISK FRIHED er en performance aktion som mobiliserede kulturbranchen imod lovforslaget om forbuddet af utilbørlig behandling af religiøse genstande.
Aktionen startede på de sociale medier som en invitation til kulturinstitutionerne i særdeleshed målrettet teatrene om at sætte et banner på deres facade med teksten FORSVAR KUNSTNERISK FRIHED.
Senere malede personaen, The Goddess of Justice, på Sort/Hvid bannere til byens mange teatre samt et banner til Kulturministeriet, som kunne underskrives af alle interesserede. Dette banner blev senere afleveret til Kulturministeriet med stor opmærksomhed fra offentligheden.
PERSONA NON GRATA formåede at sparke døren ind til dialog med Kulturministeren allieret med Liv Helm (kunstnerisk leder af Husets Teater), Nathalie Mellbye (kunstnerisk leder af Teater S/H) og brancheforeningen Dansk Teater.
DEFEND ARTISTIC FREEDOM is a performance action that mobilized the cultural industry against the bill on the prohibition of inappropriate treatment of religious objects. The action started on social media as an invitation to the cultural institutions, particularly targeting the theaters, to put a banner on their facade with the text DEFEND ARTISTIC FREEDOM.
Later on, the persona, The Goddess of Justice, painted black and white banners at theater S/H for many of the city’s theaters as well as a banner for the Ministry of Culture, which could be signed by those who wanted. This banner was later handed over to the Ministry of Culture with great attention from the public and press.
PERSONA NON GRATA managed to kick in the door to a dialogue with the Minister of Culture allied with Liv Helm (artistic leader of Husets Teater), Nathalie Mellbye (artistic leader of Theater S/H) and the theater industry association Dansk Teater.
STED/ PLACE Sort/Hvid and The danish ministry of culture
TIDSPUNKT/ TIME September 2023
PERFORMERS Mai Katsume, Astrid Lindhardt, Mathilde Hyttel, Anna Bjørgulf
DJ Riesenfeld
DOKUMENTATION/ DOCUMENTATION Jonas Preben Jørgensen, Tryggvi Sæberg Björnsson, Nathalie Melbye
TAK TIL/ THANKS TO Sort/Hvid, PIGEDYR, Nina Palesa Bonde, Liv Helm, Gitta Malling, Jonas Preben, Tryggvi Sæberg Björnsson, Sydhavn Teater, Blaagaard Teater, Limfjordsteatret, Aveny T, everyone who signed the banner.